About the fund

The sun rises on a motorway in Auckland. There is water on the right of the road and cycle path, and terraced housing on the left. The sun's golden light shines through the big trees next to the road.

Our vision

The Auckland Future Fund is an investment for all Aucklanders and future generations, and is designed to enhance the financial and physical resilience of Tāmaki Makaurau.

By diversifying Auckland Council’s major investments, the Auckland Future Fund is part of a financial strategy to better protect and strengthen Auckland in times of need.

How the fund works

The fund sees the council moving from one key investment to many, adding diversity by investing across different entities, sectors and locations.

The fund has also been established to deliver revenue to help deliver services and infrastructure, and reduce reliance on rates. It is estimated it will provide an additional $40 million per year to council, from 2025/2026.

The Auckland Future Fund was introduced as part of Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan 2024-2034. The fund launched in September 2024. The intent is for the fund to create long-term wealth for the Auckland region and protect the value of intergenerational financial investments.

How is the fund set up?

As a council-controlled organisation, the Auckland Future Fund operates under the high-level direction of Auckland Council but through an independent structure, where the trustee’s board makes all key decisions.

The board oversees the fund under a clear set of investment objectives and policies. Established as a trust, there are strict protections over the fund’s assets. In particular, the protections require the fund to maintain the real value of its capital over the long run.

The fund has been capitalised with the council’s Auckland International Airport shares.

The council is assuming average annual returns of 7.24% per annum from the fund over the long term, after management costs. Of the projected return, 5.24% will be returned to the council as an annual cash distribution, with the remainder retained to provide for growth of the fund.